So far, so good. I really can't complain at all. I mean I don't want to jinx myself, but I really feel okay so far. I
definitely feel more aware of my
female bits (I don't want to say "I'm more aware of my uterus" but sort of, not
crampy, but there is
definitely an awareness I can't say I had before) but generally I don't feel pregnant. I'm
definitely more tired. Especially the days I work, I'm just exhausted when I get home. I am also having food cravings, but unfortunately, unless it's really salty or sweet, generally nothing I eat is satisfying my cravings. It just doesn't taste good anymore. That sort of stinks, but considering I don't really need to gain as much
weight as
Heidi Klum, I think it's okay that food is turning me off.
It's just sort of hard to think "
Yeah! THAT would be so good right now!" and you sit there and think about it and want it and then you get it, and the food just doesn't satisfy that desire. That and I can't have Sushi - which I have wanted a lot since we moved here, and we don't have a decent
Chinese restaurant to fall on, which would help. I REALLY wish I could drive up to Lilly Market (in NE Portland near my old office) and get an order of Pad Thai and their chicken fried rice. Generally, I have been underwhelmed with restaurants here in Charleston. They have the variety, but not the flavor. Even before I got pregnant, I was
disappointed in the general taste of food here. Don't get me wrong, I have had some good food here. I've had two Great meals here. However it isn't affordable to go to those
restaurants on a
regular basis, not until Tom is a full fledged surgeon and we have a lot more disposable income then we do now. Those two restaurants are
Peninsula Grill and Carolina's. Both have GREAT food. Sushi is a crap shoot. I really liked Oriental Garden and Sushi
Hiro was good, too. Unfortunately they aren't as affordable as
Saburo's in Portland and the servings are small. (But as I said before, that isn't really an issue right now, unless I just stick to
Ebi and
veggi rolls.
So far though, my pregnancy has been uneventful and smooth. I'm just impatiently counting the days until my first prenatal visit. Sadly, I've found out that I won't be having an
ultrasound that day which is
REALLY disappointing. I pushed out the appointment to Oct 29
th so that I would be 10 and a half weeks along and there would be something to see. Tom is also planning to make it to that appointment if his clinic schedule goes well that day. So I thought it would all fall into place. It turns out though, that they have you back within a month for the first
ultrasound. So no pictures for a while more.