Connor is getting around so well and he is starting to climb on things. He walked about 3/4 of the way around our street while holding onto our hands the other night. Then he climbed the stairs all by himself on our way up to take a bath. He's in his bathroom right now figuring out how to open the cabinet doors. He climbed onto my dishwasher door yesterday when I was trying to finish loading it. Today he went in and puller the door down and was about to start rooting around inside. Tom laid on the floor to play with him last night - which means Tom was dozing next to Connor while he was playing. Connor decided to climb on Tom and discovered some untapped technology. He had Tom's pager off in a minute and then figured out how to get the belt clip off. Tom put the belt clip back on and it was off again in no time. Connor is sharp!
On the other hand, he seems to be constantly tired lately. He hasn't been sleeping well or napping well for the last several days. He woke me up 4 times last night before I finally gave in and nursed him about 4:15 this morning. Then he went back to sleep until a little after 8am. But he didn't get those long hours of good deep sleep that he needs. I can only guess that he has a tooth coming in. He had them coming in one after another, but now we haven't seen anything since the end of January and it looks as though there is a pressure point where the upper left lateral may be making an appearance. If he's having this much discomfort with the anterior teeth, I don't even want to know what the posterior teeth will be like!
I feel like he's been medicated more nights then not in his short little life and I hate feeling as though I'm medicating him for no reason. Of course I should note that Connor doesn't seem to care. He is a fan of both Tylenol and Motrin and takes both readily. He can be out and out screaming and the minute he sees the dropper or tastes the medicine he calms down instantly. We jokingly call him Our Little Resident Drug Addict.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
This Is Some Funky Rain!
So Connor got to see his first Snow last night. We took him out for a walk in before his bath. We only took one loop around the Circle, and by about half way through, that was enough. The snow was a little icy and the wind was blowing it in Connor's face and eyes. He wasn't at all sure about that.
Then the power went out. I was right in the middle doing the dishes when it died. So I read in bed by candle light for a while. When I went to check on Connor, I took a candle with me. The first time he slept right through it. The 2nd time, I could see the flame of the candle in his eyes when I was still in the doorway. He was on his belly, laying on top of his blanket and though I didn't want to move him and wake him up more, I wanted him to be covered up because with the power out, there wasn't any heat. He was so mesmerized by the candle, I'm not sure he knew I was there. Our sweet little Pyro!
When we woke up this morning all of the neighborhood kids were out in force. Connor crawled over to the door to check out the snow and activities.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Changing so quickly!

I just can't get over how quickly Connor changes! I feel bad because I just don't get to update this blog often enough and I'm horrible about his baby book as well. I can never remember all of the little fill ins and when I go back to check for a milestone it's long gone by and I don't remember, say, when he smiled the first time. Thing are filled in rather vaguely.
Connor now has 5 teeth. The upper right lateral snuck in on us and was peeping out when Tom and I got home from Florida. The upper left lateral is taking it's time. It's there, you can see the hump, but I could see the hump when we found the right one a couple weeks ago. He is moving on to bigger things, namely cloaths. A lot of his 12m sizes are getting small and he fits in 18m pants pretty well. They are just a touch long. He fits into his 12-18M onsies REALLY well. Of course this isn't a surprise considering how well he eats. He really doesn't turn up his nose at anything and we try to add something new to his diet as often as we can. He likes every friut vegetable and meat we send his way. He gets REALLY excited when I go to the pantry and take the Cheerios out. He also makes the sweetest noises when he's eating something he finds really yummy. As he takes a bite he makes an Mmmmmmm sound, every bite.
Connor has started crawling some, he gets on his hands and knees a little more everyday. Before Tom and I left for Florida on Jan 21 he was mostly rolling and stretching to get places. Within a few days of coming home on Jan 25 he started "inch worming" a little way. he seriously looked like a little inch worm - he would stretch and the butt would come up a little way until he could push off on his knees. This graduated (in just a few days) to what looked very much like a parapoligic dragging himself around. The last few days he's been doing more of a commando crawl with intermittent hands and knees crawling. Either way - he gets around! Tom came home tonight (Thursday - he hadn't seen Connor since Sunday) and set Connor on the rug in front of the fridge. A few minutes latter he had to put him back there and said laughing "you don't stay where we put you anymore!" He loves our shoes, he found the basket of dog toys tonight, he can open the drawers he can reach (yes they are safe).
Last weekend Tom put gates up at the top and bottom of the stairs. Connor thinks it's great to stand there and hold onto the one at the top and then shake them to make them rattle. When he wakes up from a nap I let him hold onto it and help him walk it closed. This was okay the first couple times. Then one day he walked a few steps and then lifted his little feet up onto the gate and had a little ride. I've been telling Tom that Connor is his future amusement park buddy. I think he's gonna like all of the "good rides" (read "rides to scary for Mommy").
He pulled himself up to standing in the tub a few times in the last few weeks but those were short lived - we try to discourage standing in the tub as much as possible. We discourage kneeling in the tub, too. He is VERY good at kneeling. For a long time now, since about the time he started sitting up, he likes to sit with his right leg kicked back behind him. Tonight he pulled himself up to standing on his toy organizer all by himself (need to reach the toys in the top).

Swim Class ended Jan 28th. I need to get him signed up for a round of Kindermusic or "The Little Gym" next - and soon. We'll do swimming again in a few months, when it's warmer and he's had time to get excited about it again. I'm also trying to get involved with the Mom's Club of West Ashley so we can go to play groups and get him time with other kids.
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