Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, October 5, 2009

Look! No Mommy Hands!

That's right folks! He didn't do it for long, maybe 25 or 30 seconds, but he sat all by himself!
Drooly, isn't he! Mmmmmmm fingers!
Connor is showing more and more interest in the dogs each day, and Hattie and Sam are more sensitive to him being around, too. Kobe really could care less. He really tries to ignore Connor, even repeatedly walking in front of the stroller when we're out. Even Sam stays to the side of the stroller. Sam is to shifty to sit there and come close so Connor can touch him, but they both try. Hattie has to follow me around and go with me to check on Connor. There are some pictures of her babysitting on the Flickr page. I catch her trying to sneak kisses all the time.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Now THAT'S Entertainment!

Recently I wrote that Connor is rather stingy when it comes to laughs. He will give you plenty of big open mouth grins with his tongue tucked against the roof of his mouth. He'll laugh a little bit when you nibble his belly, but it's almost as though he isn't sure what a laugh is, like maybe it's wrong and he shouldn't do it. Well Mommy found a way to make Connor laugh.

I was doing a little housecleaning and the last several times I've vacuumed the back end has fallen off my canister vacuum. I finally got fed up and while Connor was in his Jolly Jumper in his bedroom doorway, I decided to cover the finer points of duct tape with him. I grabbed the roll and yanked off a strip, not thinking about the funky noise duct tape makes. Well considering the coffee grinder makes him cry Iexpected to look up and see a pouty lip and tears. OH NO! Connor seems to think there is nothing funnier then the sound of duct tape coming off the roll. There were giggles and squeals and out and out laughs. He laughed so hard he got hiccups!

For his 3 month birthday, I had gotten out all of his bath toys and decorated the big bath tub in our master bath. It was time for him to graduate from the baby tub I'd been given. He was out growing it lengthwise and he was soaking the kitchen every night with all of his splashing. Then on Sept 12th he got his own bedroom upstairs (1 year and a day since my first positive pregnancy test). The next logical step was getting him out of our bathroom and completely moved upstairs. So that was his 4 month birthday present. Connor got his own bathroom upstairs. He seems to like having the standard size tub. It will be really nice when he can sit up, but for now he likes sitting in his bath chair and putting his feet up on the side wall of the tub. Clever little monkey!