Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our Baby turned 1!

It is so hard to believe that a whole year has come and gone since our beautiful boy came into our life. It has been the most exciting, stressful, exhausting, and wonderful years of my life. There were times when it seemed to be moving entirely to slow, but looking back I don't know where large chunks of it went.
At one year old Connor is walking, running, climbing, pretty exclusively eating solid food, the majority of the time he is sleeping through the night, and tearing though my cabinets. He loves to be Mommy's little helper and helps throw his dirty diapers away, puts his baby monitor back on the charger, turns off light switches, starts the washer and dryer, pushes the button for the garage door, let's the dogs in and out, and wants to helps with the dishwasher and the vacuum. He has 6 teeth lets me floss and brush them. His newest and best skill is drinking from a straw (he gets way more fluid then he did with the sippy cup.) He loves to go shopping and he likes to eat out (but don't put baby in a corner! He wants to see what everyone is doing!)
For Connor's Birthday Grandma and Grandpa Person came out from Truckee and Ousia and Beeba (Jenn's parents) came down from Tennessee. We had a nice long visit with everyone. On the big day we went to a small splash park on Daniel Island. I thought there would be more kids there, but it was pretty deserted. Luckily Miss Nancy and Evan and Mariessa (our neighbors) came to have fun with us. There was a little wadding pond and some fountains and a fake shrimping boat to play on and in. I think everyone had fun. We played until the birthday boy got tired and then went home. While he was down for a nap we made Carrot Cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and homemade slaw to have with burgers and sweet potato fries for dinner. He got up and played with several of his new toys, and then we played in the sandbox while everyone else napped. We had dinner and cupcakes and opened more presents. Then it was time for a bath and bed. Partying and company and new toys will tire you out pretty quickly!