Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tooth Trouble

Well, Connor being Connor, it was bound to happen. We took him to the park near our house to play yesterday morning. The first thing he did was head for the ladder and about halfway up he slipped and fell down a rung. I thought he bumped his mouth, but he didn't really cry or carry on. He mostly sputtered like he had sand in his mouth and then moved on. Later at lunch I was watching him eat and that's when I noticed the chip missing out of the incisal edge of his upper left central incisor. 
It actually didn't look to bad, but it was sharp. As often as Connor bangs his mouth I didn't think he needed a sharp tooth in there to help cut things up. So off we went to Dr. Drigger's office today. Now, we had only seen Dr. Drigger's when she was visiting the office I used to work for on Daniel Island. This is the first time we have ever been to HER office. OH MY GOD!!!! Connor loved it there and so did I! They have a whole section of the waiting room built into a giant sand castle. It has a loft built into it and a play area with tables and chairs. Then there are tv's over every patient chair that were showing Toy Story. I can't even begin to talk about all of the murals. The entire office was one big mural. It was amazing! Dr. Tori also sang the alphabet song to Connor to help distract him while she smoothed the chip out of his tooth. As she was smoothing I could see the chip had gone up the back side of his tooth. She says there isn't any mobility in the tooth and we should just watch it fo signs of discoloration or abcesses.