Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 3, 2009


(Both of these pictures were taken this morning, I couldn't remember what color cami I was supposed to wear, so we did both. I think you can see the blue better.)

Well, I have been quite delinquent in posting, but I'm sure you an all understand how busy we've been. The carpets are finally cleaned, and the crib is finally set up, and made. (Please, no emails about the bumper and the stuffed animals in the crib! I've read all the warnings and I will take out the stuffed animals before the baby goes in. It just looked really lonely in there.) The baby's bag is packed and ready for the hospital. Mine is in the bedroom and I'm adding stuff to it daily. We still need to hang the bookshelf in the bedroom and hang the diaper dangler - it's mostly small stuff left. At this point I have the house pretty squared away, so that hopefully it'll just be upkeep later on (ha ha - I know.)

I'm felling pretty well. At this point it's my ribs and chest that hurt. Tom did a quick little ultrasound on me tonight and Peanut is definitely head down and I would say pretty low in my pelvis, but I'll find out what Dr. Dempsey has to say on Wednesday. She'll be doing a scan to check the baby's position. Hopefully I'll come home from that next appointment with some new pictures to post. Everything has been really uneventful. I was talking with Tom today and I told him I really need to stop this. I keep waking up and wondering - is today the day? I fixate on every little twinge and tightening I feel - is this it? Is it starting? I need to just go about my days like any other day and enjoy the free time I have left. I may not know what I'm looking for, but I'm sure it will become pretty apparent when it happens. In the meantime, there is still stuff to do, and I need to concentrate on that while I can.

My last two appointments with Dr. Dempsey were uneventful. We talked about me birth plan at one appointment, but mostly they just consisted of checking the heartbeat, measuring my belly, the usual. Maybe this week she'll check to see if anything is happening. I'm still happy being pregnant, but I am getting antsy to see the baby and find out what we are having. I have days where I'm not worried about the birth (more resigned, it is coming, it will happen, I will get through it) and other days when I really worry about it - the whole "unknown" thing.

Along those lines, Tom and I had birthing class all day on Saturday at MUSC. It was pretty good, we learned some stuff, watched a whole bunch of videos, and didn't have nearly as much breathing and coping practice as I had hoped. We got a tour or the labor and delivery department and the postpartum department. I think Tom is going to be a really good coach as long as he doesn't get to sensitive on me. As we were getting ready to leave, we thanked the instructor and she smiled and cryptically said "We'll be seeing you soon." It was directed at me since I was the farthest along in the class.

Friday, I got my first Mother's Day Card from Molly & Bill, and Sunday Tom bought me a backyard bird identification book for my first Mother's Day Gift.

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