Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 27, 2009

17 Pounds!

That's right folks! I weighed Connor the other day and he weighed 17 lbs! That means he has gained over 7 lbs in less then 4 months. He lost most of a pound the first week he was home. So he has gained back his deficit and then some. He is currently on the edge of outgrowing his 6-9 month sleepers. Don't misunderstand me. He's a big boy, but he isn't fat. He is very long. several of his cloths have plenty of room in the body, but they are just to short in the leg or the torso.

Yesterday I was going through the mail and there was a big festive envelope from the Disney movie club. Connor was being a little fussy, so I said "Here! Look! Mail for you!" and gave him the envelope and continued looking at the rest of the mail. Tom came walking over and I said absently "look, Tom, Connor got mail..." Tom said "Uhhhh, Jenn?" and took the envelope from Connor. The Ink on the front of the envelope was water soluble and his mouth, chin, tongue, cheeks, even the tip of his nose were all smeared in black. A baby wipe took it right off and I didn't get a picture, but Connor was thoroughly pleased with himself.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Some More About Connor

I've had friends do this and I have been wanting to post this for a while. We always get the question "who does he look like?" Well judge for yourself! This is Tom, Connor and Me. I know my vote! This isn't the best (or clearest!) photo of Connor, but I saw it and it reminded me of this photo of myself. To be fair I went and found one where he is in a similar position to Tom's baby photo.

I forgot to mention in my last post that Connor has already received his first international postcard (Thanks Jonathan & Ridley!) He has also had his first sets of bug bites (there are very persistent) on walks. He has been to the beach. He has been to the South Carolina Aquarium. He has gone swimming at a public pool.

We have also become frequent shoppers at a nearby kids consignment store called Once Upon a Child. I received his baby bathtub from my coworker Brittany and an Eddie Bauer play yard (and various other small gifts) from our neighbor Nancy and last week we were given a Baby bike seat from our other neighbor Ricky. We've been very lucky to get many items used. Even Connor's crib came all the way from California, it was used for all three of his Person Family cousins when they were little. The consignment shop has had some really nice deals on items I wanted and though they are used, they are by no means worn out. We got Connor a Bumbo w/tray for $20, a bath seat (looks like a little lawn chair) for $3.50, an Ultrasaucer for $25, a rocking worm (like a horse, but it's a worm) for $15 as well as various clothing for $1-3 each. It's great! We have started going there first when we want an item to see if they have one, then if they don't we go and get it new. They only thing that this hasn't worked for was our baby monitor which we bought at Target.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Our Little Man

Here we are, Connor is almost 4 months old and I haven't had a chance to update Connor's blog. I only just wrote about his birth!

First off he is fantastic and the absolute joy of my day (even if he doesn't nap so well.) All about Connor. Where to start. He absolutely loves his baths. He must have one every night and he gets all excited and starts banging his heels on the floor. He has already had dual ear infections with a ruptured right eardrum. He likes swimming in a pool even if it is colder then the bathtub (he likes that really warm). He has rolled from his belly to his back twice (but it was mostly an accident). He is only now warming up to tummy time. His nickname is booby boy, but I also call him Sugar because he's so dang sweet. He has the greatest smile. He clicks his tongue when he grins really big. He has just started blowing raspberries. He has been standing and pulling up with very little support from us for quite a while now. I think he's getting ready to cut his first tooth. He likes books and has helped to turn the pages. He likes the comics. He is very interested in the remote control and the portable phone. He is a tator tot and will actually cran his neck to watch TV when I'm changing his diaper (NO I don't use it as the electronic babysitter - usually it's just the local weather channel or toddler tunes) He has already been on his fist canoe ride (wasn't a huge hit but daddy is hoping he'll grow into it). He's had rice cereal but doesn't seem in love with it, so I've put that on the back burner for now. He gives smiles freely and frequently, but he is only now starting to laugh. He has wiggled his body 360 degrees around his play mat. Connor has also made the drive from Charleston to East Tennesse and from Tennesse to Massachusetts (20 hours!) and back again.

He is the gassiest baby you've ever met! I've actually had to defend myself because people thought it was me breaking wind - there is no hiding it when Connor is filling his diaper. He used to make the cutest face when he pood. He would crack me up so bad. I used to tell him to enjoy it now, no girl was ever going to find his bowel movements that funny again.He belches really loud, too! I told him he's a reincarnated Frat Boy. He farts and burps, shows a big interest in pizza and he's all about the boobs.

Connor slept in our bedroom from the day he came home until September 12th. It killed me to put him in his own room, but I think he is sleeping better (especially when Tom is on call) and I know Tom is. He doesn't really cry in the morning to tell you he's up, he more lays there getting louder and louder and sounding more and more urgent until you get to his crib and when he sees you he gives you a great big grin like "Oh good, you're up! Me too!" I've seen him roll from his side to his back and vice versa while sleeping. Several times I'll get up to get him and he has worked his way sideways across his crib.