Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 27, 2009

17 Pounds!

That's right folks! I weighed Connor the other day and he weighed 17 lbs! That means he has gained over 7 lbs in less then 4 months. He lost most of a pound the first week he was home. So he has gained back his deficit and then some. He is currently on the edge of outgrowing his 6-9 month sleepers. Don't misunderstand me. He's a big boy, but he isn't fat. He is very long. several of his cloths have plenty of room in the body, but they are just to short in the leg or the torso.

Yesterday I was going through the mail and there was a big festive envelope from the Disney movie club. Connor was being a little fussy, so I said "Here! Look! Mail for you!" and gave him the envelope and continued looking at the rest of the mail. Tom came walking over and I said absently "look, Tom, Connor got mail..." Tom said "Uhhhh, Jenn?" and took the envelope from Connor. The Ink on the front of the envelope was water soluble and his mouth, chin, tongue, cheeks, even the tip of his nose were all smeared in black. A baby wipe took it right off and I didn't get a picture, but Connor was thoroughly pleased with himself.

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