Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, September 15, 2008

Faint Lines

FINALLY! Yes, folks, faint though they are, there is a second line on those tests (to the left of the dark line) and it is getting darker everyday. It's still really early (actually only two weeks along - since the first two weeks are spent waiting for an egg to appear) so the line is proportional to the amount of beta hCG present. The fact that it is getting darker and my temperature is still up every morning are signs that all is well and we are GROWING A BABY!

I can't even begin to tell you how I feel. I've wanted to be pregnant for SO long. Then with the difficulty we've had getting here (14 months) I kind of lost track of wanting to get pregnant and became obsessed with "why can't I get pregnant?" I had given up for this month. Wednesday, Sept 10th I was SO down. I burst into tears on two friends who called and all I could talk about was what a failure I felt like because I couldn't get pregnant.

I had chalked it up as another opportunity lost and was waiting for Aunt Flow to show up. I had my first positive test on Thursday, September 11th, when I stopped home during lunch. I thought to myself, This is it, if this ones negative, I'm all done wasting tests for this month. I didn't see anything either. Not until later that night. I thought I'd just go check it one more time. I felt total disbelief when I saw that second faint little line. I started comparing it to previous sticks. Checking it in different light. Then I took it into the bedroom and woke Tom up. He gave me the dazed, "I'm supposed to appear awake but really my eyes are just open" look. Our exchange went like this:

Jenn: Tom, I'm sorry to wake you up, but (big smile forming) there's a second line!
Tom: (confused look, High pitched trying not to yawn voice) You're pregnant!? Congratulations! Snnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Then I didn't see Tom for a few days because he was busy at work and just not home. I kept taking tests. When he came home post call Saturday morning I tackled him on the bed and said "Do you remember me waking you up the other night?" He looked very confused and I said "for two lines?" and then the clouds cleared. We went and took another test and got another faint line. So the next step was to email Becca back in Portland (she recommended the tests, she also recommended I start taking Metformin which seems to have been the little something extra we needed all along - YEAH BECCA!) and ask if a faint line counted - was this for real?

Becca called on Sunday and I heard her husband, Ian, Whooping in the background. It's for real. So we are patiently waiting for time to pass and me to become firm. (ha ha) We are excited and hoping for the best, but guarded because it is so early. I scheduled an appointment with an OB/GYN for Oct 29th. Hopefully all will be good and quiet until then. I'm watching what I eat, taking my Metformin, Folic Acid, Vitamins and Calcium and I've started walking the dogs every night.

So far - I feel good, let's hope it stays that way and is all uneventful. (big smile)

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