Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 8, 2009

11 weeks to go!

So, here are some new pictures (pink top is a "then" picture - 12 weeks - and the blue tops were all this weekend) I also included one of me in some of my maternity attire.
Our last Doctors appointment was on March 2 and everything looked good. Peanut played hide and seek with Dr. Dempsy while she was looking for the heartbeat (There it is - ut, never mind) and we are measuring at 29cm (uterus size) which is good since it should correspond with the # of weeks pregnant you are. There really wasn't much more to it then that. Well there was her usual response to my questions of "I've never heard that, but let me ask my colleges." All I did was mention that in the past some of my pregnant friends have taken fluoride supplements (Portland was unfluoridated) while pregnant and should I be taking them as well since, yes the water is fluoridated in Charleston, but I'm drinking it filtered from the fridge. I think my Granola ways are just to much for unenlightened Charleston. I'm afraid to even ask her about public cord blood donation at our next appointment. That question might make her hard drive crash!
We have started doing kick counts now and so far Peanut is an overachiever. We need to have 10 kicks in an hour, but usually we hit 10 in about 15 minutes. I probably wouldn't even need to lay down and count if my car was smoother. Lately I've had a lot of activity when I'm driving, maybe just because I'm sitting down.
I know this is going to come back and bite me, but I would sort of love to be pregnant forever. Don't get me wrong, I want to see Peanut. I want to hold Peanut. But my skin has never behaved better! Right now I'm not at the "So huge I can't stand myself stage" I'm getting up to Pee to much during the night, and I must say I love feeling the kicks and flutters!

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