Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Busy Few Weeks

The last few weeks have been very busy. Tom was on vacation from March 23-29. Poor Guy! I said I wasn't going to work him hard. We couldn't Leave town because I couldn't get out of working that Thursday. So I said you know, we'll do a project a day and then go do something fun. Well, we did do a few things fun, but mostly we ended up working in the yard EVERY DAY! I can't even begin to count the bags of mulch we bought and spread! All in All I felt really good the whole time. I kept up and lifted and poured and spread right along side Tom.

Then on the 28th I headed to Tennessee and then on to North Adams to spend Spring Break (Colby and Amanda's) at my Grandma Beighley's house with my mom. She isn't really doing well anymore and spends all day in her chair. So we spent the week cleaning and cooking and visiting, spending as much time with her as we could. I really noticed toward the end of the week that my ankles (particularly the right) and fingers were swollen most of the time and my hips are really starting to hurt. I was more tired then usual, too.

On Friday, April 3rd, I had some Braxton-Hicks while I was cleaning off Gram's hutch. Then later that night I felt the baby having hiccups for the first time. My sister Lisa got to feel it, too. She is pretty convinced the baby hates her already. She says Peanut never moves for her. Mom and I tried to tell her it was just that she wasn't around at the right time. Peanut seems to be a night owl and shows off a lot between 10pm and midnight. Though I noticed more movement earlier today and another bought of hiccups.

Then on Saturday, I got a wonderful surprise! Lisa got together with my Aunt Maria, my cousin Roberta, and her friends Jane and Marcia and they had organized a baby shower for me! I was so surprised and touched! I had wanted a baby shower, but I figured I had been away from home so long, there wasn't really a chance it would happen. A lot of people haven't seen me since my wedding! Yet here they were! They all turned out to shower Peanut with presents. It was so nice to know everyone cared so much! (I"ll post pictures as soon as I get them off my camera!)
They had one whole room decorated with pink and blue balloons and then Lisa tacked a whole bunch of the baby cloths she had bought to the walls. I got a lot of flack for not knowing what we're having, but it doesn't seem to have hindered people from buying Peanut cloths! I think we have enough gender neutral clothing to get us started for the next baby, too! It was all so cute and Tom and I are so very grateful for everyone's generosity!

I got home on Monday, after two long days of driving. Today was spent out in the yard. I looked as if it hadn't even been mowed yet this year! Then I had to get all of the yard debris to the curb. I edged the lawn and swept off the deck. I was only out for about 2 hours, but man I was BEAT afterwards! What a difference a week makes!

My sister swears I dropped this past week and I have been having some crampy feelings here and there. I was so sure I was going to make it to my due date, but now I just don't know. We have another appointment tomorrow, so we will see what Dr. Dempsy says!

Oh, and my final indignity? Tom was laughing at me today because I was having trouble bending over to tie my shoes! (sigh)

1 comment:

A Person said...

Very exciting Jen! I wish I could have come to your shower... You know how it is, just a couple thousand miles in between. Can you believe you'll be a mommy soon?