Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 13, 2010

This Is Some Funky Rain!

So Connor got to see his first Snow last night. We took him out for a walk in before his bath. We only took one loop around the Circle, and by about half way through, that was enough. The snow was a little icy and the wind was blowing it in Connor's face and eyes. He wasn't at all sure about that.
Then the power went out. I was right in the middle doing the dishes when it died. So I read in bed by candle light for a while. When I went to check on Connor, I took a candle with me. The first time he slept right through it. The 2nd time, I could see the flame of the candle in his eyes when I was still in the doorway. He was on his belly, laying on top of his blanket and though I didn't want to move him and wake him up more, I wanted him to be covered up because with the power out, there wasn't any heat. He was so mesmerized by the candle, I'm not sure he knew I was there. Our sweet little Pyro!
When we woke up this morning all of the neighborhood kids were out in force. Connor crawled over to the door to check out the snow and activities.

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