Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Patiently Waiting for "Flutters"

So we had our second visit with Dr. Dempsey today and everything looked good. According to their records I've actually lost a little over a pound since my visit on October 29th. However I've been weighing myself pretty regularly at home and I say I've gained about 3lbs so far. We listened to Peanuts heartbeat and that sounded good. It was just a simple visit, no new pictures this time. However we will have some new ones when we go for our next visit on January 5th.

That is supposed to be "the big visit" but since Tom and I have decided to wait until "the BIG day" to find out what we're having, It will just be another ultrasound to see Peanut and make sure everything is developing properly.

Tom and I have decided to wait because it just really doesn't matter to us weather we're having a boy or a girl. I always thought I would want to know, but now that I'm pregnant all I care about is the baby being healthy. I'm more interested in what the bay looks like then what we're having. The baby will be in our bedroom with us for at least the first little while, so there isn't any rush to know for decorating.

My biggest problem (besides my fingers swelling up occasionally when I sleep) is that I'm desperate to feel the baby move (yes I hear all of you telling me to enjoy this quiet while it lasts.) I keep waiting to feel the flutters, but nothing is happening! I keep reading things that say your baby can hear and with startle to loud noises, but I must have a very mellow baby. Here's hoping... for the flutters AND a mellow baby.

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