Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our Sweet Boy

I get so behind and there is so much to write! You know how it is with babies. For the longest time he didn't do much. You know, he was cute and he nursed and every few weeks he would learn some new trick. Well, Now he seems to do something new every day! Sometimes it's hard to keep Tom abreast of all the changes. I do feel so bad for Tom because Connor loves him immensely and Tom is missing so much.

Currently, Connor is 7 months old and wearing 12 month sizes. He weighed 19lbs 12ozs when he had his flu shot on the 29th. He got his 1st tooth on 12/21/09 (LL central) and his 2nd on 12/29 (LR Central - Happy Birthday to both of us!)
He is an old pro at sitting up now and has finally figured out how to roll from back to Belly. Of course this means he does it in his sleep and he still doesn't like it once he gets onto his belly and so he cries for me to come and rescue him. His latest nickname is Hans (because it's classier then Hands) because he is lightening quick and GRABBY! For the most part he is an exceptional eater. He Can do a sippy cup by himself (though I still help him tip it back far enough). He has no problem getting his own toys, he'll pull out the bins of his toy box and grab what he likes. If I'm Eeyore, then he's Tigger - because he loves to bounce bounce bounce! He loves shopping (people watching.) He hates long car rides (He's had to many in his short life.) He can hold himself on his hands and knees, but isn't sure what to do once he's there. He loves to screech (another nickname) and says mamama, Dada, baba... the usual. He says yard work is BORING and chilly. He loves to walk around while holding your hands. He likes his refrigerator magnets. He thinks the shower sprayer is pretty funny when we rinse him off at night. He most definitely has a bedtime routine and he falls asleep pretty quickly most nights. He loves the dogs and Hattie loves him (even more so now that he eats food - she has stolen a green beans from him and same was trolling for avocado chunks the other night.)

He has also eaten quite an array of foods. He's even had my "Poop Soup" (so named because its got all the good stuff to aid flatuation) ground up for dinner one night. He hasn't shown any sings of reactions yet - Yeah!!! Kiwi, Apple, Cucumber, ham, turkey, chicken, spinach, sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, green pepper, prunes, pears, blueberries, avocado, peas, squash, banana, apricots, peaches, beef, whipped cream (I couldn't help it... I caved), and brussel sprouts are just a few of the foods he's tried.

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