Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, January 4, 2010

Baby it's cold outside!

We went for a walk today when Daddy got home early. It's been really cold here (just like everywhere else) and Tom got Connor bundled up while I put my shoes and coat on. We were part way through walking the 1st dog out when I looked in the stroller and noticed Connor had nothing on his hands and they were tinged blue. He never made a peep - but I did! So to make up for it Tom put his already warm gloves (notice he covered his own hands) on Connor. In the second picture you can see Connor sacked out when we got home. We stopped by and got his mittens (socks) when we traded out pooches. He did get a pair of mittens in the mail this week courtesy of Aunt Angie and Uncle Eric. Thanks guys!

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