Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A 3 "Egg" Day

Poor Connor seemed to be having one of "those" days all day long. I can't tell you how many bumps and bruises he got today. I remember he fell off the ottoman this morning. Then there was a run in with the fridge door. He tripped on a stick and fell and scraped his palms while we were out on a walk. I think he walked into each of the supports under the counter at different times today. He was playing with one of his trucks and it flipped up and whacked him in the mouth and he got a little bloody lip. We went to a playground and while he was on a platform near the slide he got distracted by the UPS truck driving by and fell face first into a railing (two of the three eggs and a bruise on his cheek under his left eye.) Then after dinner he was coloring at the kitchen table and leaned over to get something and the chair slid out from under him and he got his third egg and a long shallow gash on the back of his head.

I asked him the other day if I was a lousy Mommy and he shook his head "no." After a day like today though, I have to wonder. I feel like I'm doing my best to protect him without trying to hover to closely. I feel like he has to have some freedom to run without holding his hand and constantly saying "be careful" over and over. I've gotten in the mindset that he will get hurt, I can't save him every bump and lump, I can only watch and try keep him safe while allowing him to learn.

Some cute stories about Connor:

The other night I was putting his puppy jammies on him and it sounded like he said dog - then he started making high pitched woofing sounds. So now we have

Connor, are you a monster? Grrrrrrrrr
Connor, what does the polar bear say? Grrrrrrrrr
Connor, what does the doggy say? OUooof!

When we were starting out on our walk today we had to pass the rental house four houses away where a very obnoxious  yappy dog lives. It had been barking all morning and was barking at us as we went by. Connor stopped and started barking back.

The playground we went to tonight had a few neat things to play on, but it was a sort of shabby place. There was a little Fisher Price kitchen up on the play structure. It was missing some doors and other cubbies were full of leaves and mulch. Connor was excited about the microwave though. He kept opening and closing the door and pushing the buttons. He would shake his head in disgust and push the buttons some more. I finally said "Connor, you really should check that and see if it's ready." AND HE DID! He opened the door and reached in and asked like he was picking something up and he tasted it. Then he offered some to me. He's pretty good at playing pretend. He'll get my pans out and a whisk and cook on the floor in front of the stove. I've asked him to "feed" Bob, his stuffed bunny, and he did (this was a couple of months ago.) He cooks in the bathtub, too. He has a whole bunch of empty bottles and a floating drum he uses as a bowl and adds some of this and a little that and stirs it and offers samples.

Tonight in the car on the way home from the park I was talking to Tom on my cell phone. Just when I hung up I heard one of Connor's toy phones ringing. "Connor! Quick! You have a phone call, say Hello!" He proceeds to dig around in his car seat to find the phone and then holds it up, hits a button and proceeds to say "Yes....yes.... yes...(shaking his head no) grumble grumble...Yes!"

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