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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More on Connor

I just reread my last post from August of last year. Sorry it's been quite so long. I have to sit here and laugh. The whole thing on weaning. He probably weaned easily because you were already pregnant you twit! Anyway...

Connor Connor Connor... where to begin. He has all of his teeth except his last four molars now. He's had them since September. He has been sleeping through the night really well. Usually at least 10 hours and sometimes closer to 12. Generally he's up around 8:30am and down to bed sometime between 9 and 10pm with a 2 hour nap in between. He is very active and a very good eater. We went though a phase a few weeks ago where he was spitting things out a lot. That really got to me and I had to just leave the room and have someone else feed him. I hate that my happiness hinges so highly on how well he eats. I try not to push him, but I hate to see food wasted and I hate to think about him being hungry. Connor still hasn't met a cheese that he doesn't like. Costco around Christmas was great, they kept having all of these cheese samples and Connor couldn't get enough. Connor can open the doors on the fridge now and will help himself to whatever he can reach. I just had to baby lock the pantry door because he was getting it open and bringing me boxes of snacks. He can play the harmonica like a first time felon - I have to say it's actually not bad to listen to in the car and it keeps him happy.

Tom gave Connor a q-tip to play with in the bathroom the other night. He promptly went to work cleaning his right ear. When I told him to do his left ear, he looked at me slightly confused and proceeded to slowly turn circles in an effort to get to his left ear (much as a dog chases his tail). Then I told him to switch hands and that worked for a minute, but then he went back to the right ear until he evidently poked his eardrum and the fun was over. No damage seems to be done, but memo to self - don't let almost 20 month old play with a q-tip.

Connor seems to be advanced in all ways but one. Verbally. He knows what we're saying and follows instructions very well (unless he's overtired of course). He says "yes" and growls when you ask him what the polar bears do OR when you ask him to "be a monster." Tonight when I was putting on his jammy bottoms which are covered in dogs, I think he said "dog" and there was some definite high pitched woofing sounds. He has his own word for squirrels which sounds kind of like dirls - but only sort of. Same with birds, it sort of sounds like dirds. Boots the cat is more of a Doots - or when we call her he imitates the pitch of my "Kitty Kitty Kitty" but it does sound my titty-ish though not that distinct. He does say Dada and Mama, but not reliably. He sort of says bus and truck (more of a tuck.) He's working on it...

The other night I pulled his socks off since it was almost bath time. He grabbed them and headed for the front door where his shoes are. I said "Connor, go put them in the laundry" several times and then gave up. It was late and he was in his evening wild stage. Later when I was picking up I went to go and get the socks. The weren't just tossed near his shoes - each sneaker had a sock neatly tucked into it. We would do this during the summer when we came home and took his shoes off but knew we would need them for going out later.

Tonight at Costco while I was loading the car, Connor watched another woman push her cart over and leave it near one of the planted areas instead of returning it to the store. He also watched the guys collecting carts for the night. Well he rode in our cart when we returned it and the minute I set him down to walk him back to the car he made a b-line for that woman's cart and we had to return that one, too. I don't mind. He's very conscious of things like that. He always wants to pick up little bits of trash and is very bothered by messes. I only mind when it's something really gross or messy and feel bad when I just can't bring myself to pick somethings up. I feel like that isn't a very good example. I try to get past it and lead by example when I can.

Connor really is the little supervisor. If you're cleaning up a mess, he's there to lend support and show you what you missed. Drops of water on the floor from my wet hands turning the garbage disposal on and off? He'll go grab the rag from next to the dog water to clean it up. He doesn't bend down to do it though - he uses his foot to move the rag around the floor just like I do. If a toilet needs flushing, he's your man. He puked on his bedroom carpet the other night and I have some baking soda spread on his rug to see if I can get most of the smell that way instead of calling in Stanley Steamer. This is driving him crazy! He walks into his room and he has this arm wave that he does. He holds his arm out strait usually with an index finger pointing and low grunting growly sound as he swings his arm in a disgusted circle. This is a Connor thing. My mom is right. There can be toys from here to kingdom come - that's okay. But let there be a mess of some kind and Connor is bothered. You should see him at the beach. He'll pick up some shells, but I think he does it more as a public service. I think all the shells on the beach are "a mess" in Connors eyes.

Connor is very sharp and catches onto things very quickly. You have to be careful what you say sometimes because he'll hear it and fixate on it. When my mom was visiting she was keeping some cans of soda in the lowest part of my fridge door for herself and Tom. She asked Connor one day if he could get her one and he did, no problem.  A few days later she showed him which were hers (diet Pepsi) and which were Tom's (Diet Cherry Coke). That night at dinner she asked Connor for a soda  and when he brought it to her she asked Tom if he would like one. Without missing a beat Connor went and got one of Tom's, even though he said he'd rather have a glass of water, but it was the right can. When you're cooking and you cay something about onion Connor goes to the pantry - even if you have last nights left over half onion in the fridge. You have to get him back and show it to him to break the mindset.

A  few weeks ago we had him at the Children's Museum and they have a water room. There was a group of older boys forcing a lock to stay closed and overfilling it with water so they could release a massive wave of water. Two boys would force the lock while a third was using a watering can to overfill it. Connor watched this for a minute and then went and got this itty bitty watering can and scooped up the tiniest bit of water and walked over and stretched for all he could to pour his water in, too. Mostly he poured it on himself, but the effort was so sweet and so smart that it made me tear up.

I often find myself watching Connor and getting choked up at how smart or sweet he is. He is such a joy. He has his moments that drive me crazy - like when I'm trying to pick up before bed and he's running around making a bigger mess then what I just picked up. Then there are the sweet hugs and sloppy kisses. He is the love of my life.

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