Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, January 5, 2009

20 Weeks and Counting

We had our 20 week appointment today which was attended by my Mom and Tom made it, too. This would have been the BIG appointment where we could have found out if Peanut is a Girl Nut or a Boy Nut. Of course Mom thinks we're just plain nuts for not finding out. There are so few surprises in life! There are already boy and girl grandchildren on both sides of the family, we aren't decorating a nursery, and actually it works out pretty well because everything we buy right now is gender neutral, so it doesn't matter what this Peanut is or what the next Peanut is, it will all work! It's really fun to keep guessing, too. Tom has felt pretty sure since early on that we're having a girl. I wasn't sure at first, and my first couple baby dreams were of a girl, but now I just feel more and more strongly that Peanut is a boy. With all the trouble we're having picking out names, Tom suggested that he make a list of 10 girl names and I make a list of 10 boy names and we pick off each others lists. As cute an idea as that is, I don't think Tom will research it enough and I don't feel I can give up that control.
Peanut is doing very well, by the way. Tom missed the beginning of the ultrasound and managed to show up just in time to see all the detailed images of the little heart we made and see that everything looks perfect. We got to hear the heartbeat (149bpm) and watch Peanut squirm around a bit. Turns out Peanut seems to take after Aunt Lisa - NO PICTURES, PLEASE! - as seen in the top picture were we hid our face with our hand. We saw the spine and feet and many of Peanuts little organs. It was such a joy to watch and see the baby again!
In other news, the baby is definitely becoming more active. There are days when I don't feel much, and then days when I feel it all the time. I seem to get kicked more and more the mornings I'm working (I think Peanut likes to sleep in) and then lately there has been a few protests when I lay down in bed at night. The other night I climbed in bed curled up against Tom's back and for the next several minutes there were quite a few persistent kicks right into his back. We'll see if those kicks ever get strong enough to wake Tom. For that matter, we'll see if they ever get strong enough to wake me. (The baby is sleeping in our room because we both sleep VERY soundly!)

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