Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Bump

I know I haven't been as good about updating my "Bump" photos as I should, but I have been trying to be better. I've done two Saturday's in a row now! Last Saturday's isn't up though, I couldn't face it. Today I was feeling good, though. I got up, weighed myself, and the scale was cooperating. I know I'm going to put on weight, I'm not being delusional. However, for someone who has worried about their weight everyday, and struggled with it for years, it's hard to sit back and watch it pile on. I'm trying to be good and reasonable in what I eat and I would really love to stay in my weight gain range. So when I stepped on this morning and it was a solid 10lbs (exactly) since I got pregnant, that felt good. Not bad for almost 6 months. I went out and took my picture and here it is!
My other fun today - I got to WATCH my belly move! I was sitting on the couch with my feet up and the baby really started rolling and kicking. I could sort of see it, but my breathing was camouflaging part of it. I set the remote on my belly and WOW could you see it! It almost got kicked off a few times. That was so much fun!
Oh! I finally ordered some maternity pants last night. It's overdue, really. I haven't been able to zip up my Levi's for a few weeks now. I can zip them about an inch or so as long as I'm up and walking around, but the minute I sit or try to tie my sneakers while wearing my jeans, you start hearing the zipper give way. Yoga pants are good, Yoga pants are my friend (and my scrub bottoms, too.)

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