Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hello? Anybody home?

Well! Last night I was just exhausted when I got home from work. I finished off the left over Pork Fried Rice in the fridge and passed out on the couch, I don't remember a thing! Not until Tom called at 10:30 to tell me there was an exciting late night case and he wouldn't be home. Well after my long nap, I wasn't tired, so I was marinating in front of the boob tube.

About 1:30 I went to the bathroom and had a scare. There was pink on the toilet paper. Not really spotting, but weird. So in an effort to stay calm, I investigated. It felt like there was a weird polyp or something on my cervix. So I talked myself down. "Calm down, it's weird, but it's probably nothing, you're not cramping, call the doctor in the morning."

That's what I did. On the way to work, say 8:26, I called and got some dude who assured me it was the right number, but that he couldn't help me and I'd have to call back in 5 minutes when they were answering phones for the day. ARE YOU KIDDING!? Deep Breaths. So I did. Then I left a message for the nurse with my work number and my suspicions and went on my merry way. 10:30 rolls around and I still haven't heard from anyone, so I call again. I am assured that my call will be returned in a timely manner. I admit that by this point I have freaked out a little. I was just looking for some reassurance. But, I busied myself with work and tried not to worry and waited. Then, I called as I got in my car to go home to let them know the number on the message is no longer any good because I'm done with work...only to find out that they are, too! THEY NEVER CALLED ME BACK! So when Tom got home I got him caught up (he got some details I've spared you here) and we talked and he paged the doctor on call. No one called him back. So at 7:30pm, he paged the Doctor on call again and left the "Dr. Person CT Fellow" title with the message.

FINALLY, we got a call back. After rehashing all the details again, we headed off to the friendly L&D floor at MUSC to "have a look see." Well the look see showed that there is in fact something weird with my cervix that will need some follow up. But the best part is that the look see also showed us a healthy little Peanut! We said 8 weeks and the doctor countered with 8 weeks 1 day. We got to see the our little Peanuts heart beating and the doctor clocked it at 152 beats/minute.

Needless to say we both feel much better and having actually seen the baby, things seem a whole lot more real. I do apologize for no photos, but since this was all happening at 9pm while he was taking time out from the four women delivering tonight, it seemed like asking the doctor for copies might be pushing it. Our REAL appointment is only 2 and 1/2 weeks away now, so I'll try and get some then!

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