Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mmm, Mmm, Good!

Good News! Food is beginning to taste good again! That is good and that is bad. It's nice that I can satisfy my cravings now, but, that just makes me want to eat more! I'm still exhausted, but it takes a lot of energy to grow a baby. I can also still fit into my "skinny" scrub pants. These are the pants I bought two summers ago when I was dieting and walking 6 miles a day. They are also the same pants that didn't fit for a while in between now and then. I still have my "fat" scrub pants (now in all honesty there is only 1 or 2 sizes between the "skinny' and "fat" pants) to fall back on when things get tight, but eventually I'll have to order some maternity pants from Scrub Med. Probably sooner rather then later since they take a while to fill orders. All of my jeans and Khaki's still fit, too. I think I am beginning to notice that there is a little less room then there was, but oddly enough, I think I still have more room then before I knew I was pregnant. My necklace is also longer, as though my neck got thinner. Maybe my pudge is on the move.

Oh, and after last weeks communication debacle with my OB's office, apparently the doctor I saw Friday night talked with my doctor at their weekly division meeting and my OB made it a point to call and talk to me on Tuesday and find out whats up. Then her office called me again tonight to say they had been looking into it and still didn't have an explanation, but if I wanted to get in for a "nurses" appointment before my scheduled appointment to do blood work and answer questions, they would do that just for me. Awwwwww! Now where was all this pampering LAST week?

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