Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our First Official Appointment!

So, Peanut and I had our first official appointment today (sadly, Dad was tied up in the OR and couldn't make it.) Things looked really good. I was guestimating the baby to be about 10 weeks and 5 days. The ultrasound placed Peanut at 11weeks and 1 day. Not only was the heartbeat visible, but the baby was dancing up a storm! Dr. Dempsy commented on how active and photogenic Peanut was, though Little wouldn't cooperate for a profile shot. (Oh and no, the irony of nicknaming the baby "Peanut" is not lost on Tom and I - peanuts not being one of Tom's happy foods.) I could have lain there all day and watched the baby wiggle and jiggle. It was just like when you lay a baby down and they squirm and coo, as though Peanut was saying "Hey, Mom, look at me!" It was so great! We also got a flue shot and had blood work done. Well worth the excitement. We have another appointment scheduled for some genetic stuff on November 12th and then our next appointment will be November 26th.

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