Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

1 cm!

Well, sadly, though I did have a quick ultrasound today, I didn't get any new pictures to share. It was a super quick scan just to say "Yup! The head's down!" and that was it. My belly was measuring right on and Peanut's heartbeat sounded great - really strong today! I also had an exam and I am 1 cm dilated - not very much effaced, but we do have some progress. I'm trying not to get to excited, because women walk around dilated for weeks before the big day. 1 cm really doesn't mean anything is happening anytime soon. It's still wait and see at this point. Though while I was laying there today I realized that I have been having a lot of contractions since this past weekend.

Tom has been sort of worried about when I'm going to go into labor, because he has some really busy days at work in the next few weeks. So I wasn't expecting a very positive response from him, but he actually sounded really excited.

Dr. Dempsy said that if Tom and I were interested we could talk about stripping my membranes next week to get things moving along. Tom has a golden weekend (no call) May 22-24, so it would give him some time with the baby. I'm not sure that is a good enough reason to artificially start labor - I kind of wanted to let the baby pick it's own day. My last day of work isn't officially until the 15th as well. We'll have to talk about it=) Tom's bet is May 12th. Does anyone have any other guesses?

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