Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nothing to Report...Again

I still like being pregnant, for the most part. To say I'm getting a bit antsy to meet our Little Nutter Butter (no I have not been eating Nutter Butters, but the nickname Peanut has evolved) would be an understatement to say the least.

We had another appointment today and I thought for sure there would be some encouraging news this time. I did loose 4lbs from last week (THANK GOD!) and they say that can be a sign. I also went from 1cm to 1.5cm (woo-hoo, ho-hum) but there wasn't anything more then that said. Dr. Dempsey apparently has a thing for stripping membranes because she's been trying to get me to do it. She asked again this week. Tempted though I was, I did decline. So off I went to make another appointment with the "if you make it back for your appointment next week you'll be 40w5d and we'll have to talk about inducing you" hanging over my head. I was a little disappointed.

I really thought today was going to be the day. I started getting some regular contractions last night at about 4:50. I waited until after 6 to say anything to Tom and then put Mom and Lisa on Red Alert (I'm not saying get in the car, I'm just saying pack a bag and take a nap!) The contractions were there, but not painful. I cleaned the house and did laundry, took a shower, and shaved my legs. After my shower it felt like things were ramping up and when I laid down after 1am to try and get some sleep I REALLY felt like something was starting to happen. The contractions were feeling stronger and I was having some strong discomfort. I even woke Tom to ask if he thought we should call Mom and Lisa again to get them on the road. This was about 2:30 and he thought we should give it until 5am. So I rolled over, snuggled up against him and managed to fall asleep. Then everything quieted down. I'm still having contractions, most of them don't hurt except that my muscles are just sore from all the tensing.

So, today turned out not to be the day...Bummer. I've been aiming for an even numbered day or divisible by 5 (I'm strange... move on) and today would have been both. I'm beginning to wonder if the baby really is just holding out to sabotage my Anniversary dinner on Friday.

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