Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Makes Me Proud

Well, I've been sleeping a lot lately. Sometimes that means I don't sleep so well at night. So while I was laying there last night, I was thinking back on my pregnancy and thinking of the things that make me proud.

- I'm pleased that I was frugal and didn't go overboard on my maternity cloths purchases.
- I'm pleased that we haven't gone overboard on baby purchases. We have kept the nursery purchases very reasonable and gender neutral so that they will work for "Little Person 2." (sometime down the road)
- Though I gained more weight then I was supposed to, It was still a reasonable amount.
- I'm proud that we decided to wait to find out weather we're having a boy or a girl and that we have stuck to that, even at this point.
- I'm proud that, despite his work schedule, Tom and I have managed to grow closer and happier with each other as a couple, family, and soon-to-be parents over the past several months. He has never once complained about the trips to Babies R Us, or my crying when I feel overwhelmed.
- I'm proud that, though I could have been more active, I have kept up on keeping the house and yard neat. Even doing yard work as late as week 38, and if the baby doesn't arrive soon, maybe week 40, too!
-I haven't been perfect about my eating habits, but for the most part, I think I've kept it pretty healthy and reasonable. (Plenty of cut strawberries on my low fat ice cream.)
- I'm proud that (except for taking them off at night while I sleep and for the few days we were in humid Florida) I've been able to wear my rings every day of my pregnancy.
- Lastly, I'm very happy my inny never became an outy!

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